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How to use bonuses in BC

Payment with Sberbank bonuses at Burger King

Not everyone knows that Burger King is interesting not only with coupons, delicious food and low prices, but also with the opportunity to spend and receive bonuses Thanks from Sberbank (Sberbank). After all, when a lot of these bonuses have already accumulated, the question arises: where can they be spent at all.

Sberbank’s bonuses have accumulated thanks.

How to pay with Thank You bonuses at Burger King (Sberbank)

One of the best ways to spend the accumulated gratitude bonuses is to eat at Burger King. It is here that you can fully pay for food with bonuses. In general, there are not so many other options to spend Sberbank points: there are 9 options in the photo (there are about 54 of them in total).

stores that accept thank-you bonuses.
Somewhere they accept bonuses for only half of the amount on the receipt, but at Burger King you can pay with bonuses for 100% of the order amount minus only 1 ruble. By the way, for myself, I mean only one more convenient way to spend THANK YOU bonuses – at the pharmacy. But, fortunately, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy all year round, except in the cold months. Another option is to pay for gasoline at Gazpromneft gas stations, but first you need to score 1000 points.

How many thank-you bonuses can you get at Burger King?

  • BC charges and debits Sberbank bonuses.
  • Our favorite restaurant will help you not only to write off, but also to accumulate cumulative bonuses, accruing cashback of 11 percent when paying with Sberbank youth cards or 6 percent when paying with all other regular cards.

conditions for accrual and write-off of bonuses Thanks to Burger King.

How to get cumulative bonuses at Burger King

In general, Burger King has 4 ways to make an order:

At the checkout: you just come to the restaurant, order and pay for burgers and other menus.
In the Burger King vending machine (kiosk): they are also located inside or outside the restaurant.
On the website: you can go to the website burgerking.ru and there you can order food with delivery to the institution you need or with delivery
In the Burger King mobile app: Yes, you can download such an application to your Apple or Android device
In any of the four cases of ordering and paying with a Sberbank card at the same time, Burger King will reward you with Thank You bonuses. And you can also get points – Burger King crowns, if you have installed the official app, the crowns will then help you eat for 1 ruble. When installing the application, do not forget to enter the promo code P79CWM, it will give you even more.

  • A selection of information on how to save money at Burger King.
  • About the app, crowns and tasks: here;
  • What code to enter when registering in the application;
  • How to eat for 1 ruble in our favorite restaurant;)
  • Burger King coupons (FULL LIST), allowing you to get a discount of up to 50%
  • There are also SECRET coupons, see here on our website
  • How to pay with bonuses at Burger King

There is one important condition, the order amount must be from 300 rubles, since at Burger King you can pay with Accumulation bonuses only from 299 bonuses and above and be sure to pay 1 ruble (or as much as you want) with the same Sberbank card.

As a rule, thank-you bonuses are not tied to a separate Savings Card, but to your account, roughly speaking, to a person. So, if you suddenly have several Sberbank cards like mine. You can accumulate bonuses by paying with a credit card, and then, for example, take a debit card and go spend the accumulated points.

As for paying with bonuses through a device (kiosk) – I haven’t tried it, most likely it doesn’t work. But if I’m wrong – write in the comments to this article.
So, the best way to pay with bonuses at Burger King is to place an order at the checkout.

how many bonuses Burger King charges Sberbank.

It is very convenient that each receipt from Burger King restaurants prints how many bonuses you have accumulated, and most importantly, how many of them you have accumulated.

How to Pay Thanks in the Burger King app

Oddly enough, in the Burger King app you can also pay Thanks with bonuses according to the following instructions:

First, make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.
We go into the application and wait for pictures to appear on the screen with an appetizing menu and prices for burgers, potatoes and pepsi.

go to the BC app.

Create an order with any selected set of Burger King dishes, but make sure that the total amount is at least 300 rubles.

burgers from Burger King are already in the basket.
As soon as we go from the shopping cart to the payment page, we see that there is simply no way to spend thank-you bonuses from Sberbank. And here there is a suspicion that they are not accepted in the mobile application at all, but in fact this is not the case.

While there is no way to pay with savings bonuses, thank you

You need to choose a bank card payment method and add any of your Sberbank cards to the Burger King app. In the process of adding the card, 1 ruble will be debited and immediately returned to you.

When adding a Sberbank card to King Burger, 1 ruble is debited.
That’s all, now you can pay with thank-you bonuses in the application. You can use the slider to choose how many bonuses to spend

Now you can pay with bonuses Thanks.
And again, as in the cash receipt, in the application you can see how many Sberbank points you have accumulated.

Use the slider to select how many Thanks to Sberbank to give for hamburgers.
As you can see, there were not so few ways to pay with thank-you bonuses at Burger King. In practice, all this